Meeting space is available upon request by any club member in good standing. The meeting space is part of the package already paid for by the club for the convention. Letting it sit empty accomplishes nothing.
There's an illegal collectors meeting scheduled during the convention too. They may decide to form a chapter, they may not.
PACK is not a private club, it is open to anyone who wants to join, and it at this time is primarily a labor of love being put forth by Pat Lamb. Her monthly newsletter is terrific!
As I stated in an earlier post, I believe everyone that will be attending this meeting already is a CCGTCC member. What I don't understand is your desire to see micro-management of every group of people that might form a loosely organized club who share a similar interest or hobby under the umbrella of the CCGTCC, particularly when the members of that club are already members of the CCGTCC.
If you are so troubled by the formation of PACK without it being a CCGTCC chapter, feel free to organize a slot card and room key collector chapter Archie!