Great question but not an easy one to answer. Here is some of the differences I can see. The Chip Rack only contains Nevada chips where the Official Guide as a few others states. The chip rack as a letter=value code where the Official Guide uses a Rarity scale and also prices depending on condition. The biggest difference is that the Chip Rack is updated more often and they try as best as they can to try to keep current but with the number of chips issued in Nevada that would be a full time job for more than 10 people in my opinion.
My only advice when it comes to using these guides is use them only as a starting point to determine value. As we all say in any collecting hobby is the value is determined by the buyer not the seller. I can list 100 chips for 200.00 each but it doesn't mean they are worth 200.00, they are only worth what someone will pay.
As a new member to the chip collecting world I would suggest watching auctions on Ebay and on this chipboard to get a better idea what is what. I try to look at every auction on ebay but someday you need to sleep.
For the questions about trading here are a few things that can help anyone out. New Releases always are good for trading. I know I don't want to travel half way across the country to pick up a 1.00 chip. Over the years I have adopted a few rules. Low value chips will only trade well with other low value chips. If you want a more Hard to Find chip you will have to give up more for it. No matter what is being traded between two people the end goal is that everyone feels like they got a great deal and that we all have fun. If you are ever interested in trading check out my site (listed below). I am not a big collector of Nevada but if you see something you need I will always try to work something out.
I know this is more than what you asked about but reading several of your post I thought I would answer in one.
If this post offends anyone I apologize and I am not saying buy one version over the other since both books have great information. I own several copies of each and would buy each new addition.
Paul S.