Not to clutter Ed Bigley's thread but related, what are thoughts about keeping our little round treasures safe during the convention? Here's an experience I had at the Trop LV last year during vacation in April. When I arrived at my room, I found the floor safe locked. Not wishing to pay $3/day for it, I called the desk and told them. The next day I returned early afternoon and found the safe had been opened by the Trop and the person helped themself to the maid's tip left on a note marked "Maid"! The point is this, anything left in your room, including the safe is at some risk. Safe deposit, where, when? My collection is modest enough to keep in my underwear. While I'm wearing them! Wanna trade? Chips, that is.
Auto security, gonna be about 250 degrees there of course. When I was interested in photography, one method of transporting cameras was to put them in a cooler, less tempting than a camera case. Perhaps it would keep temps down too.