... as of now:
17 entries for sure and two that I'm not sure of their intent:
Fred Bergman -- 1 chip
Scott Blackburn -- 1 chip
Steve Blust -- 1 chip
Todd Desnoyers -- 1 chip
Paul Donohue -- 1 chip
Mary Lou Eveland -- 1 chip (see note below)
Jim Fredrickson -- 1 chip (see note below)
Travis H. D. Lewin -- 1 chip
Doris Magiera -- 1 chip
Allan Myers -- 1 chip
Ralph Myers -- 2 chips
Jim Reilly -- 2 chips
Mike Skelton -- 2 chips
Bob Stoops -- 2 chips
Bill Thompson -- 1 chip
I have put Mary Lou Eveland & Jim Fredrickson down for 1 chip each. However, I am uncertain about their intent, so ...
Mary Lou said "put me down for Point Given to win". Unlike last year, we're not picking winners, Mary Lou. I will assign horses at random after the entry deadline. If that's OK with you, no further response necessary.
Jim Fredrickson sent me two separate emails from two different email addresses, each saying "enter me". I assume you only meant to enter once, Jim. If that's correct, no further response necessary.
Rules reminder:
1 -- One entry for each $5 chip at risk. Multiple entries per person permitted. Just tell me how many. I will accept any entries posted here or sent by email. Deadline for entry is 11:59 pm EDT (8:59 pm PDT) Friday, May 4, 2001.
2 -- I will assign entrants to horses at random.
3 -- No limit to the number of entries. If fewer than the starting field, I will double up the longshots, two horses to one entrant. If more than the starting field, I will assign one or more entrants to one or more horses as necessary to make a fair distribution (you'll just have to trust on this one for the time being; the combinations and permutations are just too many to try to spell out in advance).
4 -- Late scratches (after I assign chippers to horses) will be re-assigned if possible. Race day scratches will probably be too late for assignment (and I will be on the road most of the day Saturday) and assigned chippers will be excused from participating.
5 -- Winner take all except:
.......... If there are more chippers than horses, some horses will have two chippers assigned and they will split the winner's share.
.......... The chipper(s) assigned to the last place horse will NOT have to send a chip to the winner(s). Instead, the winner(s) will send their chips to the last places finisher(s). Scratches do not count for last place; however, a horse which starts but does not finish will be considered the last place horse.
6 -- Send no chips until after the race and I will announce who receives the chips.
Please post any questions here.
To read about this year's derby, go here:
----- jim o\-S
Thanks to all. ----- jim o\-S