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The Chip Board Archive 23

Archie - I undersfand ALL your points, but........

..........I can stay at any other Casino (including Borgata) in A C that I have not gambled one dollar in over the last 5 or 6 years for less than half of what Harrahs wants to charge me and I have been a Diamond card player at Harrahs for over 8 years.

To offer me the same room for "free" and now tell me I have to pay over $1400 for the exact same room is off the chart !!!!!!!

It just does not make sense - no matter the circumstances - Holiday, Weekend, peak season, limited time offer, Casinos closing, whatever !!!!!!!

Take care,
Jerry "Scratching my Head" Birl

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Ouch,Ouch,Ouch !!! This makes my leg hurt more !!!
Here is a possible reason for the room problem...
Archie - I undersfand ALL your points, but........
What does your host say Jerry?
I'm a Diamond player too!
Beautiful room John ...
page 2 ...
PLUS ....
I didn't read it that way Barry ...
I Stand Corrected

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