Hey Don,
Actually UV markings are used as a security feature! When I posted the Four Queen's chip with the Princess Cruise Line Logo (actually it was the second time - the message above is the third..) - I got e-mails from the Four Queens and from PaulSon indicating that they would like to see the chip, as the sample that PaulSon has in thier vaults didn't exhibit the additional Princess Cruise Line UV LOGO. PaulSon went on to say that they didn't believe that the chip is real. I subsequently met with one of the gentlemen from the Four Queens (PaulSon was a no show... Granted it was a Sunday Morning, so that may have had something to do with it...) at the Hard Rock Arcade. The gentleman from the Four Queen's was amazed to see that the chip is real. He asked me to bring the chip back during the convention so that PaulSon could see the chip at that time.
The reason PaulSon indicated that this chip can't be real is that they tell the casinos that the UV markings are a security feature and can't be duplicated.
The Casino Cages have black lights in them and can pass any suspect chip by them for a quick verification of the UV mark.
Note: Next time to the Hard Rock, take a chip into their Arcade - they use a lot of Black Lights and you will be amazed to see that UV marking POP out at you!!!
Also don't be surprised if a Hard Rock Security Guard comes in to see what is going on - it happened to us!!!