.......facts straight. That is understandable though since you are a Lawyer.
Paul Phillips is NOT the reporter who did the RJ article on Thursday. Jeff Simpson wrote that article & was not barred from the Horseshoe........Paul is a dot com whiz kid who sold his Company & is now playing poker professionally. He lives here in Las Vegas & attends BARGE every year. He WAS barred from the Horseshoe. He was planning on going all out this year & playing in the majority of the events & was also going to keep a journal on the experience. The reporter (Jeff Simpson) has been notified & will no doubt be doing a story on this latest event at the Horseshoe. One of the organizers of BARGE also placed a call to the Horseshoe today & is going to be talking to Becky on Monday to see how this is all going to play out............Andy - Las Vegas