My original campaign statement first appeared on both this Board and the website message board in February. I made a second statement which only appeared on the
message board and that is where all the “action” and commentaries have been. This is my third statement and I hope it will be the last! This statement refers to comments on the
website message board if you are interested in the genesis of portions of my statement.
I agree with Archie Black – and, I hope that it IS so -- that this may be a banner year for membership participation in VOTING! For those members who haven’t yet voted, I’ve attached the URL for your convenience so that you can print out your ballot.
In response to a question from John Coushay on the message board, I’d like to set the record straight and unequivocally state that, although some people may wish it were so that they had given me a “heads-up” regarding their public support of my opponent, the only Board Member who actually did so was Doug Smith and I thank him for that courtesy.
Members should certainly vote for whichever candidate they choose. I believe that my diligent efforts on behalf of the club should be considered by all the voters. Being the “lone” voice of members not otherwise represented benefits the whole club. Different perspectives may seem “discordant” when they are really only differences of opinions, earned and expressed from years of service and knowledge of the hobby. HOWEVER, no matter for whom you choose to vote, this is YOUR Club – VOTE!