>>> what else do you expect from the anti-slab nazis, the pure hate and vitriol they spew is sad.They especialy Trimble, drive people away faster than small pox.
>>> just like the small minded,don't like the message attack the messenger
What exactly is your message? You really don't seem to have one, except for an agenda wherein you feel you must launch mindless attacks against the "anti-slabbers". If you feel you have a message to share, then share it, but don't just spew hate and vitriol.
>>> They especialy Trimble, drive people away faster than small pox.
>>> just what is mis-spelled,
>>> by the way wise ass I used the spell check.
I can't imagine an English-language spell-checker letting the word "especialy" by without a fight.
Additionally, it is customary, when writing, to use upper-case letters when beginning sentences, question marks after posing questions, and periods when ending sentences.
You should also leave a space after commas, and two after periods... but we'll cover that in the next lesson.