You quote this:
"You have made the right choice in not spending "your" money on the ...
You didn't spend my money. Who's money do you spend other than yours? And who are you rtalking about? You?
I do not believe what you say is true of our rudeness you feel you received in your valid question.
You would not of received an answer like that. That is not words that I feel my friend Steve would speak. Maybe you don't understand the English tone of voice. Where are you from sir?
Please tell me what chip is in question. Or in fact priced wrong? I need to know to answer your question that as you said you did not ask me as I was away from my table.
We admit we have made errors. We have a disclosure in the front of the book that of course we admit that some will be made. We tell collectors to please write us.
We openly have asked for any comments or questions. We welcome constructive criticism. I do not feel however yours is!
I went through every price in the first & second book. My main job is to price & get the numbers for rarity corrected. The book is proof read by both several times. Then we had help of others proof read again. Mistakes do happen we all know that. I know of 2 major ones on pricing.
I keep a booklet at the show to add notes & corrections. I make daily notes now.
Collectors that know me & that offered their help know we appreciate their input. Read the credits. Do you not recognize many of the names as well known collectors? Would they offer all their help & information if we were such "rude & arrogant" people? I don't think so. Please notice that the Chip Rack authors are also listed for their contributions. Allan loaned us chips out of his personal collection to photograph.