There must be demand for the new quarters. There isn't demand for LE's. There isn't even demand for obsoletes.
Coins & cards are so much more popular. Wouldn't we really need 100,000's of collectors to have a strong enough base for their to be that many that would want slabbing? We have say 3,000 active, actually less. I think about 2% have an interest. That's 6 memebers. I don't have my magazine yet to refer to the ad from ICG but a post showed 4 or 6 memebers from that company.
More thought should go into all this & not so many accusing posts. I see new people post & get accused of being ICG spies! Especially to the guys that do a great job for us by putting out the magazine & all that contribute in every little way. Like writing articles. Let's all lighten up. I promise to!