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The Chip Board Archive 23

Nice of you to put the buyer on the spot, too grin

The buyer needs to also be fair and honest while not only expecting a seller to meet his demands when posing questions of the seller. As you noted, not all sellers are aware of quantity available -- such as there being either none or very little... and when a buyer asks such questions of a seller, he, too needs to be honest... Such as being prepared to answer a seller's question when the buyer asks: "How many of these chips do you have or do you know of others?" when the seller asks, "Why, is there something I do not know about this chip, is it rare -- and they're worth much more than what I'm asking?"

Buyers can be just as dishonest as sellers especially when working in groups... it's not a one way street... grin

Messages In This Thread

Question about ethics
Michael, For me this question depends on what the
Re: Michael, For me this question depends on what
Does the description say anything about
Re: Does the description say anything about
Re: my thoughts
I agree with what Michael S. said.
Have you been to a convention?
Re: Duty to share information
Re: chip find blog as a resource...
Re: chip find blog as a resource...
Lets see how this goes over....
Ask.... grin
Nice of you to put the buyer on the spot, too grin
I Like How You Think! Well Thought Out Response!
Three examples of 3 honest buyers:
My take on subject
Re: Question about ethics
Reply to all...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg