If you mean that I should've been able to answer Alan's question...I didn't have a clue. (He did ask me, and it was our picture that started him wondering. My answer was to send him the Eldorado postcard as further evidence that the addresses on that side of the street were even numbers back then).
If you're asking me about the Las Vegas Club...well, I'm not too sure on that either . The original Las Vegas Club was open from 1931-1949, my file shows that the owners were: Horden,Siegal,Lansky,Berman,et.al.
The Las Vegas Club opened at its current location in 1949, my file shows owners were: Scherer, Exber, J. Gaughan, et.al.
I haven't done real research on this, but seeing that none of the owners names are the same for the two properties...I've wondered if it was really a matter of "moving" across the street...or if one closed, and the other opened and used the same name. (Look at how many Nevada Clubs there have been over the years. Some names just "work").
And...J.K.Houssels isn't listed in my file, but he should be....so my info isn't complete.
A good research project for "someday"