liar. I NEVER ONCE called gaming with any complaints about anything & had NOTHING to do with what gaming is doing with chips today.
I saw your gofer at Flamingo when getting chips & he complained how hard is was getting chips there, I just agreed with him. I did help him many times get chips (helping you), I WILL not ever help again. You are screwing yourself, however you are not smart enough to just let it go.
The deaL IS, WHAT I DO IS MY BUSINESS, NOT YOURS. YOU SAY YOU LOVE CHIPS, & YOU HAVE TO WORRY about me selling a lousey 20 chips & say I am selling in volume, you don't own me or the chipboard.
I sold my business to you for $300, & you made the $$$ back with 2 Hard Rock releases....keep complaining & I will sell Hard Rock issues for face plus postage & get in your wallet real good, so if you are smart, which you are not, let it go & accept I will sell a few extra chips weather you like it or not.
The great ricky is sweating 20 chips. LOL
I have had many emails asking me to supply them with chips, they don't like you, however I have no interest in doing this & told them, I did tell them that I would list a few Hard Rock chips on the chipboard 4 sale (like many others do), but you complain like a 2 year old