Good Evening.
Over the past few months I've been scanning my collection, in hopes that I could quickly look up to see that I already have a chip, to avoid buying it again... :-)
So, the scans are not first rate, really not even that good, but I decided I'd share them anyway. The only reasons you might even want to look:
1. You're truly bored and have exhausted all other time wasters.
2. You need a good laugh. Looking at my collection should produce a few giggles, and make you even prouder of your own collection.
3. You want to download one or more of the scans to use to post with an "I want one of these" requests, even though there are better scans to be had elsewhere on the net.
4. You want to use the scan on eBay... It'll be faster to scan your own chip than to take out all of the writing I have on the holders, but OK. Just ask me first if you want one of these scans for commercial purposes.
Here's the link:
The only filing system is alphabetical. Everything from everywhere is thrown in one folder, not in any cataloging order or reason. Sorry, there is not any logic to my naming of the files. Some casino's I put all of the variations under one name: Plaza is listed as Union Plaza, even though "union" isn't in the name of that chip. Some I didn't put together, Binion's and Horseshoe. Tokens are listed together, not with the casino they are from. Only one side is scanned unless the second side is different. Approximately 1500 scans.
I have a very few duplicates, if you want to buy or trade, but the real purpose of posting this is just for fun.
Steve Gobel