When I was 16, I snuck down to the casino slot machine area and started to play on a "One Arm Bandit" machine. All of a sudden!!!! I heard a loud husky voice behind me say......."Excuse me!!!" I turned around and there stood the biggest, hugest and tallest uniformed casino armed Guard!!! I was just ready to scream, cry and confess like a child...after all I was just 16. WHEN he continued his sentence...."for bumping into you SIR. Please accept my apology for interrupting your play." He smiled. He turned and walked away.
My young heart was beating so loud and fast! I guess he could not tell my under age, because us Hawaiians look different and old!!!
I learnt a very very important gambling lesson that day......Under age gambling....It's only wrong and bad....IF YOU GET CAUGHT!!!!!! LOL!!!!
but my member # is 8447 and my initials are Q.Kamm!!!!