Do you remember that feeling of excitement you get when you "discover" a new $1 chip? Maybe you spot it on eBay, see it at a garage sale, or find it on the tables in a casino; but you know that you haven't seen it posted in the Chip Guide or on the Chip Board. It's almost like finding that envelope in the mailbox and opening it to see a nice new chip to add to your collection. That feeling doesn't present itself often enough.
I'd like to try something a little different to add give you that feeling. It's called a $1 Mystery Chip. I have a dozen of these $1 casino chips. I would usually post them on the Chip Board and offer them for sale/trade. When you open the envelope you already know what to expect. Not this time. I will not disclose any details about the chip, so it'll be a surprise when you receive it.
Now, I will give you some general information. Here's what the $1 Mystery Chip is:
~ is a $1 casino chip (as opposed to a NCV or Win Card or Tournament chip)
~ is a different inlay design, mold type, insert/edge design, or color
~ is a live chip that can still be redeemed for cash
You already know it's a $1 casino chip and that it's not listed in the ChipGuide. But there are plenty of chips listed as being different chips in the ChipGuide that not everyone agrees are actually different. So here's what the $1 Mystery Chip is not:
~ not canceled (notched, drilled, or stamped)
~ not "satin" vs. "linen" finish types
~ not SCV vs. LCV vs. SCV/LCV molds types
~ not ROT vs. LOT mold types
~ not an insert variation or edge variation
~ not faded to appear as a different color
~ not "thin" vs. "thick" text (or other typeset variation)
~ not an error chip
That's all the hints you'll receive. I have a limited quantity of these $1 chips. All are clean and in good condition. All are being offered for $3 delivered within the U.S. or for trade for any $1 U.S. chip on my Want Lists on my web site at the link below. I accept PayPal, check, or cash.
If you want one of these chips, just hang a on this message and e-mail me for the specifics. Once all 12 chips are sold/traded for I'll mail them out so that everyone can open their envelope on or about the same day. We'll see how the idea of a $1 Mystery Chip works out.