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The Chip Board Archive 23

Re: That Plaza chip is a Calif. chip. Just in case


Interesting... James had this chip in his last guide, but it was a non-denominational NCV chip. He recently e-mailed me that he had this Plaza chip ($5) and that it may have been in his last guide incorrectly. Can you please e-mail me what ever information you have as to its providence (what casino, where, when, etc.)? Thanks... grin

Thomas (R-7788) grin

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wanted Do You Have Any Of These Chips For Sale? wanted
That Plaza chip is a Calif. chip. Just in case you
Re: That Plaza chip is a Calif. chip. Just in case
Re: That Plaza chip is a Calif. chip. Just in case
Re: That Plaza chip is a Calif. chip. Just in case
Re: That Plaza chip is a Calif. chip. Just in case

Copyright 2022 David Spragg