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The Chip Board Archive 23

$1 Frontier Club chip?!

So I was reading over Janice O'Neal's notes this evening, and she mentions a $1 chip for the Frontier Club. Here are her notes: $1 - lrg crn - dk blu - HS - so worn you cannot see the "crowns".

Does anybody know anything about this chip? This is the very first I've ever heard of a $1 Frontier Club chip. If you have any information, if you would kindly either let me know or post for all the chipping world to see, I would GREATLY appreciate it.

Thank you very much for looking.

Messages In This Thread

$1 Frontier Club chip?!
See Chipguide/California
Thank you Doug! Very much!
Re: Thank you Doug! Very much!
The chip on ebay now
Mystery solved!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg