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The Chip Board Archive 23

I have recieved some e-mails back from Kellee...
In Response To: KELLEE ()

and according to her e-mails, her last name is Domke. She stated that she had inherited a large amount of chips and really doesn't know a lot about them but is trying to liquidate. I have not finalized a deal with her yet though as she has raised the shipping costs that she posted saying that she found out the price is higher (wanting $5 shipping for 10 chips and will not combine the cost for multiple lots). If anyone has purchased anything from her and received the chips I would love to know just to give me some piece of mind on the deal. Thanks a lot, Dan R-8220

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I have recieved some e-mails back from Kellee...
Re: I have recieved some e-mails back from Kellee.
Thank you!
Bought chips & received them

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