Hi Smitty,
Holy crap child!! why haven't you told us of your health issues. We know you are busy at work out there but, had no idea of the other stuff you're dealing with. You are one of the guys that got me deep into Antique chip collecting and I respect your knowledge and faithfulness to Dale's coding. Since the convention in 2012, the last time we sat down together and coded chips, things have been grinding to a halt coding wise. We felt there was a black hole in Arizona where emails just disappear. So in an effort to keep the Photo Guide of Seymour coded chip alive, Dale was contacted and he gave me the blessing to code chips. Actually your responsibilities in chip coding haven't changed. We really need your input into new codes. We collectors were left high and dry out here without communication. I don't think any one person assigns new codes by themselves, it's a community process. what you and I have to guard is the integrity of new codes and I know that's where your heart is.
All of this having been said doesn't change your situation with work and health issues and emails back and forth might still be a problem. One thing for sure is, in the end, one person has to record the code or duplications can happen. Dale wouldn't want that, you and I don't want that. We're all on the same page there. I need your thoughts.