Actually the cut off date for antique chips is December 13, 1946. Before the end of WWII many chips were made with materials that Dale wanted to include with the antique chip history. The Gambling Advertising PZ section in Dale's book already included Samples from the mid 60s like the Christy & Jones Hat & Canes. If you remember right Roy, after a long discussion we decided that the cut off date in the PZ section would be allowed to continue to go through the 60s. It was one of the last sections we did and we opened it up to collectors here on TCB and we got flooded with contributions from club members. I guess those were the good old days, huh?
I am really sorry that I did not get your chips coded for you as fast as you wanted. I am sure that you and Rog know that I keep myself real busy here. I started a new business in January but then I found out about my Cancer just before the Super Show in February. I had surgery on February 14 and then a second unexpected surgery in May just before the convention. It was pretty much common knowledge at the convention because my hair was gone and I had a fresh scar on the top of my head. I never mentioned it here or even that much to my family for that matter until it was over. I'm am not big on pity parties. Since the convention I have been trying to get my little business going on weekends and still working my regular 55 hours a week Monday through Friday job too. And I do some chippin' when I can but with the economy the way it is and everything else, I have not done as much chippin' as I would like to.
Speaking of chippin', I have not been notified by anyone about any changes to my coding responsibilities.
Would you like to clue me in?