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The Chip Board Archive 23

Extra! Please help me with my Kickstarter project

Hello to all in chipper land!

I am looking for help with my Kickstarter project. A good friend of mine and I are asking for funding to start our business, The Wasted Bottle.

In a nutshell we take empty discarded bottles and repurpose them into usable glassware, vases, bowls, etc...

Check out the link to our project here

My partner and I shot a short video explaining what we are about.

So if you can, please help us kickstart our project. Every little bit helps and we are offering incentives for backers.

Also if you can please share on your social media feeds, telephone, carrier pigeon, whatever your method of communication you use.

Thanks for reading!!

Messages In This Thread

Extra! Please help me with my Kickstarter project
Re: Extra! Please help me with my Kickstarter proje
Re: Extra! Please help me with my Kickstarter proje
Re: Extra! Please help me with my Kickstarter proje
I love Kickstarter...
vbg Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Debbie!!
Re: vbg Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Debbie

Copyright 2022 David Spragg