the club is not losing money...the club is losing members. At some point in time, we may lose money, but through the support of our membership for events such as the convention, club auction, raffle, calendar, donations, etc...we continue to be financially sound.
The problem as I see it is not getting people through the door, it's getting them TO the door. Finding the smartest, most effective way to expose people to both the club and, in particular, the convention is the issue. The Las Vegas area has millions of people that live there & would probably be interested in what our convention has to ofer -- especially if it were free to get in, as it is on Saturdays. But how do you let them know? A half page ad in the local paper is thousands of dollars. Casinos won't let us put up notices there, not even in their break-rooms. So what's the answer? I like the idea about shirts & I'm sure that this idea will be brought up in the next BoD meeting. We have over 1600 members...that's 1600 minds that can imagine more ideas than the six members of the club's BoD. And we appreciate these discussions & the ideas that result from these conversations.
But I did want to clarify that the club is not losing money.
Steve B