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The Chip Board Archive 23

Steve, I didn't know dozens of people were turned

away. Maybe some members could sponsor 10 dollars, and if those who wanted in and seemed serious about collecting,after a few simple questions, they could be given a sponsored admission. Ofcourse we would explain only a few freebies are available, so they didn't spread the word go get a freebie. Maybe not the way to go,just a thought?

Messages In This Thread

My Thoughts On Declining Membership
Thanks for your thoughts, John...this year & last,
Steve, I didn't know dozens of people were turned
Hand-out complimentary pass to show
Re: Steve, I didn't know dozens of people were tur
One small correction....
Another correction, Manuel...
Fred -- we didn't "turn people away"...there's an
Steve, Yep, I understand free probably won't help?
John, let me start by first saying Thank You for
Another couple suggestions. while I'm on a roll...
Westen, both ideas have been suggested before.
Thanks Doug...
A quick idea............
Sheldon does a lot to publicize our
Re: Sheldon does a lot to publicize our
Re: Thanks Doug...

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