It was good talking to you last night at TCB gathering Judy. I am sorry about your unfortunate loss in this transaction. As I mentioned, I feel compelled to make this post.
Here is a warning to all chip buyers that come here. Anybody can come to this board to BUY & SELL casino items and they do not have to be a member to do so. HOWEVER... when buying chips on this board, you should consider that
club members are bound by the code of ethics that is set up as the STANDARD that all
members must follow. Many of the members have known each other for years and sometimes a deal is made with the promise of future payments. When you buy and sell chips on this board, it is a good practice to buy from
club members because they are bound again by the code of ethics. Club ID numbers are posted on the name line so it is easy to tell who is and who isn't a club member.
Please read the code of ethics on the CLUB board posted here-->