We, along with Members, Walter Tarby and Anthony Tricoli, counted the 2013
Constitutional Amendment Ballots on May 24, 2013.
Total Received: 116
Total Voided: 9
Total Valid: 107
Yes = 86 No = 21
The Constitution requires 2/3 majority of valid ballots cast to approve an Amendment. Therefore, the following Amendment is approved with 80.4% “YES” votes.
Article 5: Membership
C. Associate Members: Family and relatives of a Charter, Regular or Life Member in good standing. They are allowed access to functions restricted to “members,” but they do not receive the club magazine nor can they hold office. They may vote on matters which are voted upon, but they must be provided with notices and duplicate ballots by the member they are attached to, not by the club.
We will officially report the results for certification at the Business Meeting on Saturday, June 22, 2013.
Bruce & Mary Ann Massey, Election Co-Chairmen