It's hard to determine if this is actually a variation or just a random Mfg. variation. One or the other or both can be mixed in the common rack chips, so it isn't something that effects the value. (in my opinion) I've found that many casinos have both on the tables, if one looks close enough.
Now when the same chips appear with the graphic chip mold (RHC) that seems to be a variation. Don't ask me why, it just seems that way. :)
Meanwhile the point of adding these to TCR might make it 1/3rd larger, raising the cost and price, with no real informational value added.
Yes, I do save the two for my own collection. That's my own choice. But I don't think many people recognize these as true variations. More of a novelity.
You can see in the close-up below, the LCV and the standard H&C mold. The longer cane (on left) is also the same (I think?) as the C&J mold. Looking as close as I can, I can't see any difference between the C&J and the LCV H&C.