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The Chip Board Archive 23

Re: 25 years, How Cool!
In Response To: 25 years, How Cool! ()

A lot of these discussions will end as soon as someone donates a million dollars or so to the club. We will then have to money to get the MOGH a building where we can have our displays as well as a place to store all of the club owned items. The manager presumably will be a paid position and that will lead to grant writing. The problem today is that we pretty much can not get a grant for the MOGH until we have an actual home. that is what we were told by the professional we hired to help us. I don't know what other type of grants we could qualify for today. If you can help in this regard I am sure the BOD would be very interested in listening.

As soon as we hire a PR firm to help generate funds we will need to get our books professionally audited every year. That will cost quite a bit of money.

We could hire a director today but then the club would be out of money in two or three years if he could not generate his salary every year.

Messages In This Thread

25 years, How Cool!
A slippery slope ...
Couldn't agree more, Archie...
For the sake of argument... Archie & Steve,
I don't agree, Westen, but I am just one member
I still love you ;)
Forward a link to this post to the club's VP
Westen, I WAS Interviewed on TV last year
Thanks for your hard work guys.
Re: Westen, I WAS Interviewed on TV last year
Local TV coverage
Shot Gun/ Round Robin
Re: Shot Gun/ Round Robin
Re: Shot Gun/ Round Robin
grin Thanks, Barry grin
Thanks for the link from the archive Barry! grin
Re: 25 years, How Cool!
I don't think the money is the issue...
Westen, I will add it to the agenda to discuss at
Thanks Doug.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg