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The Chip Board Archive 04

Interesting E-Mail about the Harrah's CHIP!
In Response To: Harrah's Home Stretch Chip! ()

I just got this E-Mail........

"Sorry, this chip won't fly as a Derby chip. Is there a date on the rim? If not it is junk."

As I told this person, I said it was Harrah's VERSION of a Kentucky Derby chip! If someone does not like a chip then fine, don't buy it. In the future though please don't tell me a chip is "junk"......I have more important E-Mails to answer. Andy - Las Vegas

Messages In This Thread

Harrah's Home Stretch Chip!
Interesting E-Mail about the Harrah's CHIP!
That was my opinion
Re: Interesting E-Mail about the Harrah's CHIP!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg