Hi folks as I have post many times any offer that is a low ball offer, I will not answer the email, you all know if it is lowball offer or not. Reggie
As posted multiple times on my page a day:
would like to take a few moments on the word offer(s) and to the occasional appearance of this word in my pages. Most folks are cognizant of the meaning and how it applies when a price is not provided at the end of a listing.
However, there may be a few of you that do not. It might be because you are new to the hobby or you are used to other businesses or hobbies that treat it differently.
To me and I may be wrong, but it means:
• A price you may have previously seen, recently.
• A price based on scarcity or rarity.
• A price based on demand
• Not a lowball price to see what flies
• If you are not sure, it is better to just ask for at least the last price it was sold; if the seller has this price he will respond accordingly.
If anyone has any better points to apply to this subject; please let me know, and I will include them in this note. Sincerely Reggie