~~~ published... and the only thing I can figure out since Tom writes:
"It [Playboy Clermont Club] was sold with the other UK properties in 1982..." and just below that Tom notes that "Cheques were marked with the words "Playboy Clermont"
Tom also lists all units from the 5p up to the £100; gives each and every one of them a code and beside each one notes that details are unknown.
Where the "Playboy Clermont" markings info came from is not mentioned, but I'm willing to bet if they do exist they can easilly be in Chicago; where I first introduced Playboy chips coming from there when nobody knew they even existed.
I've seen a lot of stuff we would have normally never dreamed of in some holdings and one never knows what's out there -- as I've said many times through the years: "We can not assume every Playboy chip made by Bud Jones actually was delivered to a Playboy casino" and Chicago shows us this is true.