that was on several years ago. The seller had designed "retro" Mint ashtrays, I think they were listed in a dutch auction for $8 each. Just before, or just after, the auction ended, the seller realized that there were collectors who thought the ashtrays were genuine "50s trays and he offered all of the buyers the chance to cancel their bids, or get refunds, or whatever. We opted to accept the fake, and it arrived with a couple of equally "retro" matchbooks...and I think they listed his website. I remember the website had bowling shirts, as well as ashtrays. Don't remember what else...maybe polos and/or T shirts.
I don't remember details, but his background was somehow related to game rooms...where buyers didn't expect genuinely old items, they just wanted them to look old!
I think we still have that ashtray and matches...somewhere...