I am not sure if Gene has done this one yet but I am selling this chip and found it to be very interesting. The Gaming Table says this joint was called the PAR-A-DICE LOUNGE and the address was 21 Blackjack Blvd in Peoria, Illinois. TGT also says the joint was owned by a Joseph Rafool. I can't find much on him other than it seems that he has passed 1911-96 and that he married a gal by the name of Elizabeth C Shady from New Jersey in 1938. You gotta love it! Boyd Gaming has a hotel in Peoria now by the same name. Anybody have any more info?
TGT also mentioned the Shelton Gang and I Googled it and found this Peoria Historical society page that describes a "wide open" Peoria like Gene described in his post about Havana. http://www.peoriamagazines.com/ibi/2012/apr/peoria-and-shelton-gang
The chip is on
along with a gob of other illegals and some more Nevada chips too.
JUST CLICK HERE--> http://www.ebay.com/itm/PARA-DICE-21-Blackjack-Blvd-East-Peoria-Illinois-old-Illegal-Club-Poker-Chip-/310615862249?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item485225ebe9