The trouble with scanning black chips with reflective hotstamps is the same as with coins or tokens with shiny fields; they reflect what they see, which is usually the dark inside of the scanner box. Photography is better, where you can change the angle and reflect something light (sky?). Your later pictures seem to do pretty well with the lighting but they are out of focus. You may need a close-up lens on your camera, or use something other than the autofocus on the camera. If the tiny chip has a background that's far away, the autofocus may try to focus on infinity rather than your chip. If you can't focus closely enough to fill the frame with the chip, back off to where you can focus and use a high resolution setting on the camera. You'll get a photo that is very big (in bits) but then you can crop out the background with a picture editor on your PC and still get a sharp image of the chip.