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The Chip Board Archive 23

This is what I used on auto plastic

Worked wonders on convertible windows, plastic lenses, and other clear plastic parts.

The rotary display bins like the one you show often have a pushbutton that the shopper can operate. I can't remember whether it starts the rotation or halts it so you could look closely at one item. Often seen these days in antique shops and malls to display "smalls".

Messages In This Thread

Advice on rotary watch display needed
Re: Advice on rotary watch display needed
Re: Advice on rotary watch display needed
This is what I used on auto plastic
Thank you Don! Just what I needed!
To add to Don's comment...
Great point! Lot of smart folks here!
O'Reilly Auto Parts-headlight cleaner
Thanks Ron! It's in my neighborhood.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg