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The Chip Board Archive 23

Re: How would you scan this chip?

Wow, if I knew this chip was such an anomaly, I would have kept it.... vbg

To be honest, I am not terribly picky about my scanning and have a hard time seeing the difference in most of the scans provided.....but! I would think the top row (Flamboyan Hotel) should be perfectly aligned. Everything else should fall where it may...


Messages In This Thread

How would you scan this chip?
The 3rd One
Re: How would you scan this chip?
The First One
Third One, but.......
Not sure. I've never done it, though
I like this one ... #3 but ...
That very dark shadow is a distraction...
Mike, join the FREE CLASS that ...
I would like to...
#3 grin
Re: #3 is my choice
Re: How would you scan this chip?
Roy's answer gets my vote as well, because...
Re: How would you scan this chip?
Re: How would you scan this chip?
I always have the numbers aligned ...
#2 if you sent to me for the Guide!!!
vbg #3 Go with The $1 vbg vbg
Re: How would you scan this chip?
Some chips are a bi+ch to scan
Use this version....
Re: Use this version....
Re: How would you scan this chip?
Re: I wouldn't. (thank goodness...
vbg vbg vbg
FWIW, I liked #3 the best, like many of you
grin Late response: #3
chip monkey wrench coming . . .
Turmoil? It's all fun to me
Re: Turmoil? It's all fun to me
Re: Sweet
No. I have got to see that!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg