you should get off of the chipboard, for any reason. Here's my entire post....what I did say is that it didn't make sense to me that you don't join the club because you don't like some of the activity on the chipboard. Isn't that what you said????
"Re: I agree, except I would like to see you.. By:Pam G. #R-3432 (
I'm proud to say that I've been a member of this club for 15 years (and never once have I been involved in an argument about football ). I choose to not read posts or enter contests that involve football (I'm NOT a fan ). I usually don't read posts about other sports either, except Bob's boxing posts occasionally. I don't read political posts, and I rarely enter contests (though I'm still hoping for a share of a lottery win! ), and for the most part I stick to making casino-related posts (though this is a great place to get computer advice...thank goodness!).
I love our magazine, and it's certainly well-worth the price of membership. If you choose to not be a member of this wonderful club, that's's your loss (IMHO). But really, I do get tired of people saying they don't want to be a member of the club because there's arguments on the chipboard.
I'll probably be sorry that I made this post. My normal response would be to shake my head, sigh, and move on to the next post. But...once in awhile... "
Date: 1/5/13 3:48 pm
You posted: In Response To: Re: I agree, except I would like to see you.. (Dave Owczarzak)
When I see members on the board arguing, attacking or name-calling based on what college football alliances they have, accusing others of dishonesty....etc....I get turned off.
In response, I posted: "So the activity on the board turns you off, but you continue to come to the board? College football alliance arguements turn you off, so you don't renew membership to a chip/casino collectibles club? That doesn't really make sense to me. Besides...I'm sure that not everyone involved in the squabbles are members of the club.
To use your t.v. commercial analogy...I would understand if you stopped watching t.v. because you didn't like the commercials. I wouldn't understand if you said you don't go to the movies because you don't like t.v. commercials.
I'm sorry that I didn't respond sooner, you answered my post under someone else's I didn't know you answered.
Thank you for your kind words about my articles...a little writing from time to time is just my way of giving back to the hobby that I enjoy . I hope that someday you'll change your mind, and will join the club...meanwhile, I hope you continue to enjoy the hobby.