Amendment was!
In my post (the top one in this thread) I gave reasons why they didn't vote. Take your pick!...............Maybe they didn't know what the Amendment was about. It was misprinted on the back of the ballot if they took it upon themselves to look on the back (there was no instructions on the face of the ballot directing them to the back side). And to repeat, it was unintelligible/misprinted on the back..................There was nothing about it in our NEWSmagazine, save one small paragraph in the President's Letter that asked members to vote on it, but in that small paragraph the crucial one year trial period was not mentioned.......The person who submitted the Amendment was promised that his Letter to the Editor would appear, but they forgot to include it.....Maybe they were disgusted that only Vote-No reasons were given on the back of the ballot, and no Vote-Yes comments were contained.............Maybe they were confused by the fact that only one return envelope was enclosed -- the Officer Vote envelope............If the above botched things were corrected, the 66% threshold would have been reached.......Wait till next year.