It was actually 5 of us that bought them all.One guy tried to buy them all and almost got away with it.I was playing blackjack with Bob at about 9am.We were waiting for the noon release.As we are sitting there we look across the casino floor and see a craps table by himself.We see him starting to count out money so we take a walk over.A guard brings out the entire release of Q-Spades chips.He says he's buying all of them. We argue a little.In the mean time,Wayne B. and Rich also see us and come over.The 5 of us end up splitting the chips even.Bob and D..B.. don't want any of us to sell the chips to anyone so the price will be high for people needing that chip to complete their sets.I sell a rack to Frank L. on my way out for $ 25.00/chip.A quick 2k profit.