This is Day-25 without a duplicate of either the casino or collectible.
Duplicate CASINO or COLLECTIBLE description will eventually happen.
Casino name change would make it a different casino. example Union Plaza vs. --Plaza
Collectible-- Adjective would make it a different collectible--- Examples Plastic shot glass
vs. Ceramic shot glass --- pilsner glass VS. Beer glass etc.
Behind this post in SUBJECT LINE enter your guess as to what day a duplicate of either casino or collectible will appear example Day-100
Only first entry of day-100 would be eligible if you choose a day already selected you will be asked to choose another day. Also you must be a CCGTCC member, so put that number in your post.
The person who correctly guesses will receive my 2012 Halloween chips plus the bonus--- That days collectible. At this time I do not know what it will be, If nobody has that day, everybody will then be allowed to select another day and another prize will be added to the pool. Good luck