Everybody has an opinion on this subject... some opinions are stronger than others ... many readers on this board are indifferent and could care less. I agree with your position that this forum will offer an opportunity to the slabbers to push their product. However, the anti-slabbers will have their opportunity to present their reasons why slabbing chips is a bad idea.
The point is that the currently elected Board has entrusted the running of our 2001 convention to a well-qualified competent professional who has had much experience in chairing much larger events in the past, other than our little chip convention. Wayne has delegated responsibility to an Educational Chairman who has a fine track record of providing outstanding presentations at past convenions. It is up to these people who will decide who, what, when, and how this year's Educational Forum will be conducted....
The only concern I have is the early 8:30 a.m. time on a Saturday morning that has been assigned to the "educational debate" which I believe will severely affect attendance. I too like my sleep on Saturday mornings and by the time we shower, have some breakfast, etc... But I do understand why that time slot was chosen. Many dealers who have tables during the show are interested in attending these forums as well and are unable to do so if the time selected was during show hours when dealers should be behind their tables. In addition, many collectors don't want to take time off the busy floor to attend an Educational Forum that is scheduled during show hours .... and many of those who do attend an early session will bolt for the door as soon as the bourse floor opens for the day's buying/selling.
It's a catch 22 situation. Not enough hours in the day to accomdate every scheduled event. But let's not second guess those who are doing their jobs to make sure that this year's convention is another huge and pleasurable success.