Due to circumstance beyond my control I have found it necessary to set my house in order.
One that I feared doing the most was my son’s memorial project and how to be self-assured that it would not end up in the round file. This has been a labor of love for many years and I only hope that it has been of some benefit to the few who collect California related items.
Mr. Kallman has hosted this project for years on his web site and has offered to make an attempt to pick up the ball and run with it. Thank you John.
I wish to thank any and all who have assisted me in this endeavor and even those who have ‘flamed’ me. I believe both have resulted in a better reference work.
Years ago I attempted to donate the project, lock, stock and barrel to the CC>CC {boards version of club initials, not mine} but found the hoops needed to jump through by their legal department unsavory so dropped the idea.
A special THANK YOU is in order for both Butch Reynolds and George D. One for a great deal of the information contained therein, and the other for a tremendous amount of encouragement.
Wishing all enough,
Dick Staeffler R-3828