Hi all,
I am new to older single chip collecting. I have been a member at Chiptalk for a few years.
I have all the necessary guide/value books on order in the mail.
Since it will take a few days to receive them I was wondering however if anyone could help me with the above chip.
It is a dime on the small crown TR King mold from the Morro Club in California.
Link to chipguide page: http://www.themogh.org/cg_chip2.php?id=CASLMC
This is a chip I am actually trying to get in quantity (and keep) to finish my last poker set.
I think I might be able to get a rack of these but as my books haven't arrived yet I'm wondering If anyone could tell me what would be a fair going price per chip for this if I could get a rack of 100?
Thank you very much!