Well good luck with the show.
If i can do anything to help out let me know
I hope we have a show every 2 months :)
On the station chips. When i was there they sold them by the sets. I got 5 sets. I didn't watch the cage the whole day. Obvisouly other chippers go the 5's also. Pete has a 5 and 25 up for auction right now. So i guess he but in the effort to get some.
How often does the four queens release a $25 chip and they never ever hit the cage. They go to all the people on the list. of course YOU don't complain there because you are on the list and so am i . But the regular collector never has a chance. It seems like if you don't get something you will complain. All you had to do is show up on the release time.
So give it a rest and good luck with your show.