Answers and grading will be shown in subsequent post...
1.During WW II, what was a Victory Garden?
a. The top floor of Madison Square Garden
b. House plants you could win with S&H Green Stamps
c. A home garden to raise food for family and friends
2. What would "A little dab 'll do ya" do?
a. A dab of Brylcreem would keep your hair in place like car grease
b. A little dab of Ovaltine in milk would turn you into Capt. Midnight
c. Rumor was that a dab of Spanish fly would do it, but no one ever knew for sure
3. Sears used to be called " _________, _________ and Co.?"
a. Girdles, Corsets and Co.
b. Cheap, Cheaper and Co.
c. Montgomery Ward and Co.
d. Sears, Roebuck and Co.
4. What was duck and cover?
A. Hunting fowl during the Great Depression
b. A drill for school children, for use in case of atomic attack
c. A ducktail haircut toupee
5. The oldest man in the US died recently at 113. To what did he attribute his long life?
a. Giving up cigars at age 97
b. Never marrying
c. Brussels sprouts and chocolate
6. What was the "party line" with which many of us grew up?
a. "Your place or mine?"
b. Telephone lines shared by several homes, or parties
c. "A chicken in every pot."
7. What postwar auto was said to not know whether it was coming or going?
a. '48 Tucker
b. '53 Henry J.
c. '51 Studebaker
8. What wasn't delivered to homes in the US in the 1940s?
a. Prescriptions
b. Ice
c. Milk
d. Pizza
9. What color were flash bulbs for use with color film?
a. Pink
b. Blue
c. Plaid
10. What was the average life expectancy in the US 100 years ago?
a. 60
b. 23
c. 47
d. 78
11. You know you've grown old when...?
a. Your house plants are alive, and you can't smoke any of them
b. Having sex in a twin bed is out of the question
c. A $4.00 bottle of wine is no longer "pretty good stuff"
d. All of the above
12. When you put your right foot out, and shake it all about, what are you doing?
a. Throwing out your back
b. Going for a Section 8
c. The Hokey-Pokey