This is one of those "be patient" hobbies. I too can not find what I am looking for anywhere (here, eBay, chip related web sites, etc.). However, what I am looking for are rare, scarce and very seldom seen... even the ones that are considered relatively cheap or affordable (less than $100), no one seems to have or, no one responds to your posting requests. You just have to be patient, keep looking, keep asking and eventually, Bingo... it will show up.
Also, what I would suggest if you are unable to attend the annual convention in Las Vegas in June, is to see if you could ask for someone to look for some of your chips at the convention for you. I always seem to find something... Another thing, have you tried Doug Saito's ChipChat auctions? Another good source for some chips of all denominations and types (you would have to be a
member to participate).
Thomas (R-7788)