Here is a link to the latest version of the 2013 Club Calendar of available dates. Recent additions and few deletions have been made.
Available dates of special interest are as follows:
January 1st - New Years Day
January 21st - Martin Luther King Jr. Day
February 18th - President's Day
February 24th - Purim
March 17th - St. Patrick's Day
March 26th - Passover
March 31 - Easter*
May 27th - Memorial Day
June 16th - Father's Day
September 2nd - Labor Day
September 5th - Rosh Hashanah
October 14th - Columbus Day
Many of the above are National Holidays and there are many associated casino chips (LE's) that have been made in the past that will work well on some of those dates. However, there is no requirement that a selected chip must conform to the holiday on which it appears.
*It should be noted that Easter's date is physically shared with March 24th as they appear on the calendar layout, i.e. "24/31". March 24th is already reserved for use. Therefore, if Easter (the 31st) is requested, the corresponding image will be placed on a un-used block preceeding March 1st.
Note also that there is plenty of room for additional sign-ups!
While I have been emailing past participants, it is highly suggested that those previous purchasers of individual dates and/or calendars contact me as soon as possible to re-claim their past date(s) and order 2013 calendars.
Those wanting to know if a reserved** date is locked-down or awaiting to be re-claimed, just send me an email to specify. I can certainly start a stand-by list for any 'reserved' but un-reclaimed date(s).
** The term "reserved" means that the date was used last year and by default the purchaser from last year has first right of refusal to re-use the date for 2013. Upon a to-be-determined deadline, we will cancel those reservations for anyone not expressing a desire to continue with a given date into 2013. However, as some of those dates are already claimed (locked-down) it is too time consuming to keep a running tally between the two types for the time being. Once the deadline is established and comes due, unclaimed "reserved" dates will be made available. (This reposting of this message is an example of such an action.)
As recap...
I am very pleased that I have been asked to take on and carry out the business side of this fine endeavor originally started by the Club's Membership Officer, Mr. Steve "The Whiner" Bedo for the 2011 and 2012 Club Calendars, along with the help of Neal Silverman and Todd Barrett.
Both of those years produced some mighty fine daily entries and remarkable calendars that resulted in adding to the Club's bottomline! We would like to Thank all of the past participants and re-invite those individuals and businesses to once again participate in the 2013 Calendar Project. Additionally, we will welcome newer participants and provide this general information at this time...
If you're interested in buying a date or a calendar, please e-mail me at . The cost is $10 for each date and $18 for the calendar (includes shipping). You can pay via PayPal to the Club's Account ( or by sending payment (payable to the
) to me.
Some have asked to purchase more than one date -- our current "policy" is one date per membership number. So if it's just you, it’s just one date right now...if it's you and your Associate Member, that's two dates. If you're interested in buying more than one date, what we will do is put you on a "Wait List". If the additional date(s) you want are not taken, we'll let you know and you can purchase those as well.
As was done for 2012, those who purchased dates for the previous year's calendar, will have first priority in reserving their date for THIS year's calendar. It's a way to say "Thank You" to everyone that supported this project last year, making it a very successful fund-raiser for the Club and an excellent way to colorfully share your hobby (or obsession ) with those around you. This does not prevent a Member from contacting another Member and perhaps negotiating a release of a date or swapping of dates (annually) as is already being done by two other Members that desired the same date.
Also available are banner and full-page purchases for individuals, regional Clubs or businesses/dealers. However, these placements are not intended to be full blown commercial advertisements, but instead are intended to be casino collectibles themed with a textual (or logo'd) reference to one's commercial site or place of business. (A good example is the 2012 header page for the Month of June by Club Member Butch Reynolds that was themed with California chips, yet promoted Butch's interests to "Buy-Sell-Trade" high-end California Chips.)
Pricing for a full-page purchase is $300, which includes at least one banner, and so far, we have a committment for 3 such purchases! Banners are priced at $70, one for each month, with 3 already spoken for by the full-page purchases. Additional details will be forth coming!
2012 participants should contact me as soon as possible to continue with their date(s) for 2013. For the time being, any date used last year and not confirmed by the same person for 2013, and claimed by another individual, will be held available until a final, to-be-determined end date.
Please feel free to post any questions here, or by email to me.
Lastly, in advance I'd like to thank Todd Barrett, who will shortly be bringing his create talents to the table to produce the 2013 Calendar and to Neal Silverman who will be stuffing envelopes and mailing the calendars in the near future!
Jim Follis
Below are reduce sized images of this years calendar.