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The Chip Board Archive 22


"I subtracted Thursday from 196." Thursday was the 19th of February, or 19-2. Thus, if one subtracts 192 (the hyphen isn't really important anyway) from 196, the answer is obviously 4. Date before the month? No problem for a problem solver. Of course it's also possible that the answer could be kitty cat.

Messages In This Thread

grin NCR ~ I didn't get this one...
I didn't get this one...REALLY! grin
Re: I didn't get this one...REALLY! grin
Roy, Interesting dime chip...
grin A few others...
I get it
Re: grin NCR ~ I didn't get this one...
The Correct Answer is
Norm, there was no mention of chairs....
In other words, a vest has no sleeves...
It's known as "rotation field 2X2"
I don't understand how others got it?

Copyright 2022 David Spragg