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The Chip Board Archive 22

Re: Thanks, Charles! grin I think all...
In Response To: Very Impessive ()

of them came from ebay, and all in lots (no singles) grin .

The very first time I remember seeing glass swizzles on ebay, there were 2-3 in the lot and all were from the Boulder Club. We were using a webtv at the time, instead of a computer. I put in my snipe bid and prepared to hit the button...and it locked up!!! AAAAARRRRRGGGHHHH!!!!!! I was heartbroken sad . It was probably at least 3-5 years later before we found more.

Messages In This Thread

Glass Swizzle sticks grin
Fantastic Pam !!!!!!!!
Re: Thanks, Doug! grin
Breath taking!...Please share how....
Re: Thanks, Jim! grin
grin Beautiful grin
Re: grin Thank you Dave! grin
Re: vbg In the original post I should've said..
Pam, I'll Give you $2 Each for Those Old Sticks
Re: We don't buy as an investment....
Re: For how to scan, see reply to Jim grin
Very Impessive
Re: Thanks, Charles! grin I think all...
Re: rofl Thanks!! We like 'em too! grin
grin VERY nice, Pam!! grin
Re: grin Thanks, Steve!!!... grin
grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin
Awesome Pam! Great stuff!!!
Re: vbg Yeahhhh...NOW you like 'em! *wink*

Copyright 2022 David Spragg